The world is full of pretty awesome individuals from all backgrounds and cultures. This week we are going to learn about black people that have stood out throughout the years for their bravery, intelligence, fortitude, resilience -- the list goes on. Get comfy and dive into our books below.
Pre-Kinder & Kindergarten
Serena, the Littlest Sister
Young, Gifted, and Black
Jabari Jumps
Cornwall, Gaia AR Quiz#: 189549 BL: 2.3
The Princess and the Pea
Isadora, Rachel AR Quiz# 115512 BL: 2.9
Henry's Freedom Box
Levine, Ellen AR Quiz#: 113369 BL: 3.0
I Am Jackie Robinson
Meltzer, Brad AR Quiz#: 171148 BL: 3.4
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Isadora, Rachel AR Quiz# 117614 BL: 4.1