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What is Bullying?

Writer's picture: Ms. NajeraMs. Najera

"Bullying is when someone says or does hurtful things over and over again.

Bullying happens when someone makes fun of someone, hits, pushes, or touches someone in a way that's not welcome, leaves someone out, breaks or takes away someone's belongings, sends scary of mean messages, or spreads rumors."

This week, we're going to watch Annie and Moby talk about the many ways to avoid being bullied or help someone who is being bullied.

The stories below help us learn to cope. Remember to talk to a grown up that can help you if you are experiencing bullying.

The Bully Blockers Club by Teresa Bateman

AR Quiz #: 84274

BL: 3.2

Leave Me Alone by Kes Grey

AR Quiz #: 148470

BL: 2.4

5th Grade Students: This week we will focus on accessing Destiny. Click here to log in. Use your student id# as your username and password.

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